Medium-term Management Plan

Group Medium-term Management Plan 2020

The Group Medium-term Management Plan 2022 will be advanced as the implementation plan for the Second Stage of the action period for the Group Long-term Vision (FY2017 to FY2026).

Pushing ahead with productivity reforms, resolute implementation of business structure reforms, and initiating a full-fledged renewal of our production structure in order to accelerate our transformation are the key strategies in aiming to establish earnings bases in four business sectors.

Medium-term Management Plan benchmarks​

Megmilk Snow Brand Group has set the following benchmarks for our Medium-term Management Plan.

Performance indicatorsFY2022 goal figures
Consolidated net sales640 billion yen
Consolidated EBITDA41 billion yen
Consolidated operating profit22 billion yen
Total investment (3 year total)86 billion yen
Consolidated ROE8% or higher
Consolidated equity ratio50% or higher
Consolidated payout ratio20% ~ 30%

Initiative Policy

  1. Advance productivity improvement reforms
  2. Advance business structure reforms
  3. Promote innovation in our production structure

Core function strategy

  • Enhance Group management
  • Initiatives to achieve sustainable Group development

Core function strategy

  1. Apply bussiness strategy to achieve transformation and renewal to innovate production structure
  2. Strengthen manufacturing (monozukuri) and creating new value
  3. Promote Group management to strengthen Group core competency
  4. Initiatives to achieve sustainable Group development

Strategy by business sector

Equity ratio, interest-bearing debt, rating


Capital expenditure results and forecasts

Cash flows