Megmilk Snow Brand Group Human Rights Policy

The Megmilk Snow Brand Group recognizes its responsibility to respect the human rights of all people affected directly or indirectly by its business activities. In order to fulfill this responsibility, the Group has established this Megmilk Snow Brand Group Human Rights Policy, which is based on the Megmilk Snow Brand Group Charter of Corporate Behavior. The Policy guides the Group’s initiatives to ensure respect for human rights.

1. Approach to Respecting Human Rights

We respect the human rights enshrined in the International Bill of Human Rights (consisting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Human Rights) and the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
Our efforts to protect human rights are also guided by the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The Megmilk Snow Brand Group has also signed the UN Global Compact.

We forbid discrimination on the basis of race, nationality, gender, religion, or belief, among other attributes; prohibit all forms of unjust treatment including forced labor, human trafficking, and child labor; provide safe, healthy work environments that are free of harassment; and make other efforts to protect human rights.

We respect local laws in the countries and regions in which we carry out business activities. In the event that the human rights recognized by local laws differ from international norms, we will do our utmost to respect internationally recognized human rights principles.

2. Scope of Application

This Policy applies to all Megmilk Snow Brand Group executives and employees. Moreover, we require that all business partners involved with the Group’s products and services also respect this Policy.

3. Responsibility to Respect Human Rights

In the event that it becomes clear that our business activities or involvement in the supply chain have had a negative impact on human rights, we will take steps to rectify the situation and fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights.

4. Human Rights Due Diligence

We identify any negative impact on human rights caused by our business activities by performing human rights due diligence, in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and we strive to prevent and reduce any such impact.

5. Dialogue and Discussion

We utilize outside expert knowledge on potential negative impacts on human rights of our business activities, and we also hold dialogues and discussions with related stakeholders.

6. Education and Training

We provide education to ensure that all executives and employees understand and implement this Policy appropriately, and we familiarize business partners with the necessary provisions.

7. Aid

In the event that our business activities are found to have had a negative impact on human rights and our involvement becomes clear, we will provide aid through the appropriate process.

8. Responsible Person

We identify the executive with responsibility for the implementation of this Policy and supervise the status of implementation.

9. Information Disclosure

We disclose the status of our initiatives to respect human rights based on this Policy on the Megmilk Snow Brand website and in our Integrated Report.