Representing the history of Megmilk Snow Brand, this business sector includes butter, which we have produced since our founding, as well as other products such as cheese and margarine. Cheese is a core profit driver and the market is expected to grow moving forward.
We have numerous long-selling products and our main products have top share on the market.
We began producing and selling butter in 1925. We will continue to deliver unchanging flavor and new value in our butter products.
We deliver rich-tasting, melt-in-the-mouth margarine products to tables throughout Japan using dairy product manufacturing technology.
We began producing and selling cheese in 1933. Our unchanging goal since then has been to manufacture processed cheese that suits the Japanese palate.
We make Hokkaido camembert and string cheese (Sakeru cheese). We will continue to use our traditional techniques and product development efforts to deliver tasty products.
Condensed milk and low-fat, high-protein skim milk made from fresh Hokkaido milk are familiar products that offer both health and good taste.