カルシウム診断 診断結果

\ Result /

※In "Japanese 2015 guideline for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis", it is reccomended to take 700-800mg of Calcium from Foods

Your reccomended daily calcium intake is mg

[ Recommended Calcium Intake in different Age and Gender ]
Male Female
15-29 30-49 50-69 Over 70 15-29 30-49 50-69 Over 70
800mg 650mg 700mg 650mg

Overview of Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese (2015)

\ Advise /

How to take calcium effectively

Choose food that rich in calcium and easy to consume every day.

  • 牛乳


  • ヨーグルト


  • チーズ


  • 豆腐

    Bean curd
    (1/4 piece)65mg

  • あじの干物

    Dried fish
    (a piece)60mg

  • 小松菜のおひたし

    Boiled vegetables
    (Spinach) (50g)75mg

  • ひじきの煮物

    Dried edible seaweed

Calcium value based on "Standard tables of Food composition in Japan 2015"

[ Calcium absorbency rate ]

Reference : Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science Vol.51(1998)

Notice the different calcium absorbency rate of food

Same value of calcium in different food has different absorbency in the digestive system:

Since milk have the highest calcium absorption rate, drink milk and consume milk products are highly recommended to increase calcium intake in our diet.

Vitamin D helps to increase intestinal calcium absorption

Vitamin D works to help you absorb calcium through your intestines. Sardines, bonito, liver and dried shiitake mushrooms contain it in abundance. Moreover, taking in a moderate amount of sunlight causes Vitamin D to form under the skin.

[ Increase the Bone Mass at Young Age ]

※In the case of women conceptual figure
Reference"Dr. Ikuko Ezawa's Health Academy with milk"

Take adequate calcium intake at young age

If you don't build strong bones at young age, it will increase the risk of causing osteoporosis after aging.

[ Daily Milk Intake per Person in Different Age
and Gender in Japan(2014年) ]

Referance: Japan Dairy Association

Make it a lifelong habit to drink milk

Benefit for drinking milk: 200ml milk can provide great contribution of calcium daily intake.
